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Lizzie the Sarcastic Blonde

Just getting myself ready here in case I leave Goodreads
Angelfire  - Courtney Allison Moulton

Before I started this book, I was really excited. It's set in a town in Michigan, not to far from where I live. I thought that was cool. Not too many books are set here. But there was a downside. It was set in one of the wealthy neighborhoods near Detroit. And because of that, Ellie was shallow and annoying.


During a lot of the book, she talks about designer clothing and going to parties with her friends.




She was totally cool that Will, the guy who was trying to get her to remember her past self, was following her around and interested in her. But she couldn't stand him when he wanted her to actually try.



I don't think I say much more. I know I gave it a high score, but that's because it was a great idea and I think that the series can get better.



I could not stand her. I was really excited because she was from Michigan. Sadly, she was from one of the rich cities. Ugh. Stereotypical vain teen.



I wanted to take him away from Ellie. I know he was with her because he was her mentor thing, but he could do so much better.


Overall, I had high hopes and they weren't really filled. I want to support a Michigan author, so I'll probably read the rest of the series. I REALLY hope that it gets better.