Another novella, another short review. This short story takes place when Meghan is going to the Unseelie Court with Ash. It fills the gap that happens between book one and two.
I got really annoyed with Ash. He was just all distant and acted like he didn't care about Meghan. He should have made it known that he cared about her since he wouldn't be able to show her feelings once they got to the Unseelie Court. Don't be a jerk doucheface! But Meghan was also kinda needy. I don't like needy girls. Then this wolf comes in and tries to kill Ash because Oberon told him to. But then Meghan tells the wolf that she's going with Ash by choice so it leaves. They also see Puck, who is in a coma thing in a tree, on the way.
Overall, this was a good little filler and I can't wait to read the last book of the series. This review also became longer than I planned it to!